What Are the Sensitive Body Parts of Cougars When Making Love?

It's not a shock to have an older women dating with sugar momma online now. Many people are good at flirting with sugar momma online. Being good at flirting on the Internet does not mean being good at flirting in real life. Older women are interested in cougar hook up dating online, and only when they are fully satisfied during the first date, can you become their long-term sexual partner. Then as a man who wants to make older women satisfied, first of all, you have to know which body parts they are sensitive to? Here are the answers we get from sugar momma when we interviewed older women about their sensitive body parts.

1: Ear

Very strange, the sensitive body parts of some older women are actually their ears. So, when you have mature dating with this type of older woman, you need to use her ears to get her to reach the sex climax. When you have sex, you can gently touch her ears, suck her ears with your tongue, and bite her ears with teeth, so that she can get pleasure. With the rhythm of you inserting the vagina, her excitement will get higher and higher until it reaches her sex climax.

2: Neck

Neck is also an uncommon sensitive body party. But if you meet someone who are sensitive to neck, you have to know how to do it. Like this kind of unusual excitement, it is very difficult to find out through your own exploration, so you can ask your cougar dating partner about their preferences before making love. When you have sex, you can touch her breasts with your hands, kiss her neck with your mouth, and even you can bite her neck with your teeth. Many older women like this way of punishment, the more rude you are, the more excited she is.

3: clitoris

This is the most sensitive body part of most older women. Before you enter them, you can touch her clitoris with your hand, or use your tongue to stimulate her clitoris, even you can use your teeth to rub her clitoris, when she becomes extremely hungry You will enter her deeply, which will bring her an extremely powerful orgasm.

4: Abusive tendency

Some older women like their sexual partners to use violent means when making love, such as tapping their ass and using their whip to beat their backs. Appropriate pain can give them more pleasure. For an older woman who has a special inclination, you need to be prepared beforehand, for example, you can buy some handcuffs, leather whip and so on.

The above four points are the answers we got when we did interviews. We mainly wanted to let you know more about the sensitive body parts of older women through interviews, which is more conducive to making them reach orgasm when you make love.